About NSN Detroit


NSN Detroit Chapter was founded in 1996 by three technology sales executives. Founding Chapter President, Clarence Archibald, a sales engineer with Hewlett-Packard, Bill Counts, an account manager with Oracle Corporation, and Carlton Orse, a senior sales executive with Computer Associates (CA Technologies). The Detroit Chapter is NSN’s fourth oldest chapter. Only preceded by NJ/NY, Chicago, and Philadelphia.

Over the years, NSN Detroit has had many firsts.The Detroit Chapter was instrumental in the creation production of technical workshops that focused on the improvement of selling skills and the implementation of best practice selling methodologies. NSN Detroit was the first to introduce workshops in “Sales Force Automation,” and “How to Make Six Figures.” These workshops were applicable to multiple industries. Detroit Chapter was the first to produce a “Women’s Leadership Panel,” which has become one of our chapter’s signature events. Most chapters around the nation have adopted the 'Woman's Panel' event. It has also become a highly successful must-attend session at the NSN Annual Conference. Once again count onf Detroit to lead the way.

In 2003, the Detroit chapter proudly hosted the annual National NSN sales conference. The conference was held at the Renaissance Center, now GM World Headquarters. The Keynoter dinner event held at the famous Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History. Proudly it is the world's largest African American History museum. The keynoter was, Herman Cain, a Morehouse College grad and former CEO of God Father's Pizza; who would later become a 2012 Republican candidate for President of the United States.

The Detroit Chapter is also involved in philanthropy and community service. We sponsor holiday gifts and donations to needy organizations of our community. We participate in “Career Days” in and around Detroit.

The impact of our historic chapter echoes throughout NSN. We are very proud that two of our former members who relocated and started chapters in other cities based on their NSN-Detroit experience. The Charlotte, NC and San Francisco, CA. Chapters are a continuation of Detroit's impact on the National Sales Network family. The torch of the motor city chapter and its accomplishments shines throughout the NSN universe. Consider becoming part of one of the greatest chapters of our great organization.